Category: News

Working With Heat Pumps

heat pumps

by Brendan Kavanagh Almost 10 years ago Byggmeister started installing air-source heat pumps (also referred to as “mini-splits”) as part of our energy retrofit projects.  Since then the technology has improved dramatically and heat pumps have become our go-to solution for heating and cooling.  These days the majority of our projects include a heat pump… Read more »

Space as a “Green” Metric

Household sizes

by Kristina Eldrenkamp “Green” can be an empty term if it’s not defined in measurable ways. This conviction has informed our efforts to assign performance metrics to projects and to monitor progress towards meeting these over time. Some of the ways we document performance include our energy and water use tracking program and our protocols… Read more »

Controlling Pollutants Caused by Cooking

kitchen space

by Paul Eldrenkamp One of Byggmeister’s goals with each project is to improve indoor air quality, including minimizing the pollutants caused by cooking. Cooking, it turns out, is a major source of indoor air contamination. A recent Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory study found that “a significant portion of residences exceed outdoor air quality standards for several pollutants… Read more »